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5 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself


“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
-Henry James

In life, sometimes we spend too much time worrying and not enough time taking care of ourselves. Taking the time to put yourself first will enable you to feel happier and also improve your life in every aspect including relationships with others. Here are five ways to be kind to yourself.

  1. Self- Affirmations. The voice inside our heads sometimes reminds us that we are not good enough, as we can tend to be our toughest critic. However, if you spend time reciting or writing positive self-affirmations each day you can reverse that cycle.

  2. Reward Yourself for Getting Things Done. Reward yourself for your hard work, as you deserve to feel good for accomplishing your goals. Give yourself credit for your achievements, whether it be graduating, losing the last five pounds, or completing a DIY project by having a glass of wine or simply doing something you enjoy.

  3. Let Go of Past Mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up or dwelling on the past, remember that no one is perfect and mistakes happen. Find a way to forgive yourself. Make amends with those that you may have hurt in the process if it helps. After all, life is about learning lessons and those mistakes give us an opportunity to grow into better people.

  4. Treat Yourself to a Day of Pampering. Most of us spend time juggling work, chores, and our social life. Set aside a day completely devoted to yourself once a month or once a week by cooking your favorite food, indulging in a spa treatment, or taking a long bath. Self-care remedies will have you feeling fresh and positive.

  5. Respect Your Body. Take care of your body by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and staying active. If you feel tired or sick take the time to recover and rest. You will feel better mentally by taking care of your physical health.

Thank you for reading! Please comment below ways that you practice at home.

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