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December Self Care Challenge

Self-care is important as it boosts your confidence and produces positive feelings and emotions. Maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself will increase your self-esteem and remind yourself and others that you are your needs are important too.

1.Put up decorations

2. Have a Hot Co-Co

3. See a loved one

4. Take a slow, scenic walk

5. Declutter and donate

6. Make a playlist for the Holidays

7. Write positive new years resolutions

8. Write a gratitude list

9. Look at local Christmas lights

10. Call a relative to chat

11. Put on some music and move your body

12. Burn a scented candle

13. Cuddle with a blanket and read

14. Get some sunlight

15. Do an act of kindness

16. Write down your bad thoughts

17. Journal

18. Practice Yoga

19. Watch a childhood Christmas movie

20. Take a moment to do absolutely nothing

21. Give yourself a compliment

22. Make someone a gift

23. Take a long shower or bath

24. Do a home exercise

25. Write down some of your favorite memories of 2018

26. Spend an hour doing your favorite hobby

27. Cuddle up in a blanket and read

28. Give yourself a manicure or a pedicure

29. Make a plan for the weekend, thus ensuring you have something to look forward to

30. Make a healthy snack

31. Treat yourself to a massage

Feature: Amanda Colorband Fleece

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Click on the image to read our blog ‘Five ways to be kind to yourself!’