When we think of our purpose, chances are we think of big goals and achievements. In reality, living with purpose is not about accomplishing goals or our to-do lists but rather living a meaningful life is about finding purpose in everyday moments. Your life purpose is something you have always known either consciously or unconsciously. It is unique to you. Part of your purpose includes the work that you were meant to do. The world needs you to do it and if you choose not to than the world loses the benefit of that aspect of you. When your work is aligned with your purpose it is easier to do and you attract more of it. This is helpful for anyone who is marketing themselves. Many people find their purpose accidentally. Some people find work and life experiences that use their purpose without really consciously knowing what that purpose is.
1. Purpose comes in finding the meaning in each situation we face everyday
2. Purpose gives us a sense of direction and helps us get to our destination
3. Where can we find it? We can find it in our commute, at work, in our interaction with our loved ones, family members, and friends, in our hobbies, in our day-to-day routines
4. How? When we start engaging, listening and caring than we start to feel a greater connection and bring purpose to our everyday interactions
5. Another great way to find your purpose in life is simply by finding a passion. Mine used to be dance and it left me feeling super fulfilled and happy. I am hoping to incorporate dance back into my life in hopes to once again find fulfillment and joy.
Benefits of writing a life purpose: Increased drive and motivation, focused mindset to achieve your goals and purpose, clear path to success based on your ‘why’, sense of fulfillment knowing you’re guided by something meaningful
Life Purpose Examples:
- “My life purpose is to stand up for issues I believe in and to contribute positively to my community. I want to leave the world knowing that I made it a better place.
- “I hope to build a loving home with my family and to care for my children. I want to support their endeavors while still leaving time for my passions. I will be the best version of myself so that I can lead my children by example.”
- “My life purpose is to find success in my career. I would like to be a notable person among my peers and be valued for my contributions to my field. My hope is that I will retire feeling fulfilled with what I have accomplished.”
- “The purpose of my life is to be my true self, uninhibited by fear. I want to inspire others to live authentically and with passion.”
- “My goal in life is to harness my creativity and imagination to unearth truths about myself, my community, and society at large.”
- “The purpose of my life is to be a source of light to other people and radiate positivity. I hope to find an inner strength that is inspiring to others”
- “I want to live enthusiastically. I want to marry my best friend and settle into a long life together. I want to be fulfilled in my work and find meaning through art. I want to die knowing I lived the best way I knew how.”
- “My purpose is to raise a family of caring, passionate, and independent children who find success in their own way and with integrity. I believe that being a parent is the joy in my life.”
- “In my life, I want to achieve a harmonious balance between my career, my family, and fun. I plan to work hard but also seek excitement and adventure where I can.”
- “I envision a life where I take things slowly and stop to smell the roses. I never want to miss out an opportunity to find joy in the little things. I will explore my world with open curiosity and be fully present with all experiences.”
Tips for Finding Your Life Purpose:
- Donate Time, Money, or Talent- If there is one habit that you can create to help you find your purpose it would be helping others. Altruistic behaviors include volunteering for a nonprofit organization, donating money to causes you care about, or simply helping others around you on a day-to-day basis.
- Discover what you love-Thinking about what you love to do can help you find your purpose. Consider what types of skills, talents, and passions you bring to the table. Then brainstorm how you might turn your passion into something meaningful to you.
- Surround yourself with positive people- As the saying goes, you are the company you keep. What do you have in common with the people you choose to be around? The people you spend time with outside of family and work. The people you surround yourself with says something about you. If you are surrounded with people who are making a positive change you might draw from their inspiration. However, if you are around negative individuals who drag you down, you might want to make some changes.
- Start conversations with new people- Resist the urge to browse through social media when you are alone on the subway or waiting for a friend at a restaurant and ask strangers if they are working on any projects or what they like to do for fun. Talking to strangers can open your eyes to new activities or career opportunities that you never knew existed.
- Explore your interests- Is there a topic that interests you and you are regularly talking about or sharing articles for? Also, consider the conversations that you have been having with others. Do you like talking about history? The things you like to talk about may give yourself insight onto your life purpose.
- Listen to people- There might be a good chance that you are already displaying your passion and purpose to those around you without even realizing it. Other people might give you some insight. Hearing others say what they notice about you might reinforce some of the passions you have already been engaging in.
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Navy Headband$8.00 – $10.00
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Light Brown Headband$8.00 – $10.00
Light Grey Headband$8.00 – $10.00
Mint Green Headband$8.00 – $10.00