Yoga is a practice that can help those who suffer from anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression. Yoga can slowly heal these emotions and gives those who practice an opportunity to connect with oneself on a deeper level. Listed are a few tips on how you can develop self-love through yoga.
Set Intentions, But Know Your Value- Many people have aspirations, desires, and goals. Acknowledge your desire to work towards your goals and desires through your set intentions. However, declare your current state as ENOUGH. Some days, it may be challenging to accept where you are at, but it is SO important to keep trying.
Don’t Be Afraid of Your Body. Become more familiar with your body and don’t be afraid to physically move to deepen a posture through your practice.
Modify Your Practice. There is often a sentiment, which practitioners need to fit their body into a certain shape or posture during practice. However, this is false. Understand what your body is telling you and cater to your particular needs. Take a various pose and make your practice more enjoyable.
Express Gratitude. Express gratitude through positive self-talk. During moments of physical difficulty, repeat quiet declarations of the strength and capabilities of your body.
Always finish your practice with a moment of self-congratulations and a promise to always continue the path of self-love.
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