People with high levels of vitality tend to have some of the same traits that highly grateful people do, like high levels of optimism and life satisfaction. Keep a gratitude journal and add to it everyday, tell someone you love and appreciate them, notice the beauty of nature every day, nature the friendships you have because good friends don’t come along every day, smile often, and watch inspiring videos that will remind you of the good in the world. I encourage you to journal what you are grateful for once a day this month. It is so important to be grateful, as a spirit of appreciation promotes optimism and helps us develop a more positive outlook. Listed is my 30 day challenge that I encourage you to participate in:
Day #1: What smell are you grateful for today?
Day #2: What technology are you grateful for?
Day #3: What color are you grateful for?
Day #4: What in nature are you grateful for?
Day #5: What food are you grateful for?
Day #6: What sound are you grateful for?
Day #7: What memory are you grateful for?
Day #8: What book are you grateful for?
Day #9: What place are you grateful for?
Day #10: What talent are or skill that you have that you are grateful for?
Day #11: What friend/ family member are you grateful for?
Day #12: What small thing that happened today are you grateful for?
Day #13: What tradition are you grateful for?
Day #14: What small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?
Day #15: What form of expression are you most grateful for?
Day #16: What moment this week are you most grateful for?
Day #17: What challenge are you grateful for?
Day #18: What tradition are you grateful for?
Day #19: What story are you grateful for?
Day #20: What song are you most grateful for?
Day #21: Who in your life are you grateful for?
Day #22: What touch are you grateful for today?
Day #23: What knowledge are you grateful for?
Day #24: What piece of art are you grateful for?
Day #25: What about your body are you grateful for?
Day #26: What season are you grateful for?
Day #27: What sight are you grateful for today?
Day #28: What abilities are you grateful for?
Day #29: What texture are you grateful for?
Day #30: What taste are you grateful for?
Click the photo to read 4 morning rituals to make everyday your healthiest!