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Top 10 Goal Setting Mistakes to Avoid

Setting goals are important, as it helps you organize your time and resources so that you can make the most out of life. It gives you motivation and creates a vision of how you want your life to look. The benefits are endless, as it will not only inspire you, but it will also set a direction for your future. It will give you clarity when you have to make a decision and a lasting purpose.

  1. Not Setting SMART Goals- SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The SMART method helps you organize and actually reach your goals. It sets you up for success.
    1. Specific: The goal is clear and well defined. Vague Goal: “I want to get in shape.” Specific Goal: “I want to join a gym, workout two to three times a week, and lose X amount in 2 weeks because I would like to get in shape and be a healthier version of myself.”
    2. Measurable: You can measure your progress. Criteria: “Every week I will lose one pound of body fat”
    3. Achievable: It is not impossible to accomplish
    4. Realistic: It is within reach
    5. Timely: It has a specific start date and target date
  2. Not Believing in Yourself- The key to achieving anything in life is not necessarily whether others believe you can because some might not, but rather if you believe in you and have confidence in yourself. You can do anything that you put your mind to. If you do not yet believe in yourself then repeat the following self-affirmations every day and you will start to; I am confident and value myself, I am growing and learning every day, I am confident in my abilities.
  3. Not Writing Your Goals + Action Plan Down- “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Writing your goals down will help you get a clear vision of exactly what you want. Not only will you need to write down your goals, but you must also have an action plan in place to help you get there. What do I need to do right now? Today? This week? This month?
  4.  Not Breaking Down Your Larger Goals into Smaller Goals- Having big dreams is not a bad thing. I highly encourage creating your dream vision life and board for that is the first step to ever achieving anything. Dream it, believe it, manifest it! However, dreams and goals take time and if you break it down into smaller, short-term goals it will better help you reach your long-term, larger goal.
  5. Setting Vague Goals- An example of a general goal would be “I want to get in shape.” A more specific goal would have all of the answers as to who, what, where, when, and why you want to reach the goal. To make your goal specific you need to answer a few questions:
    1. Who is involved in the goal?
    2. What do I want to accomplish?
    3. Where is this goal to be achieved?
    4. When do I want to achieve this goal?
    5. Why do I want to achieve this goal?
  6. Not Setting a Deadline for Your Goals- Your goals have to have a specific start and end date because if not you will not be motivated to take action to get to where you want to be.
  7. Not Being Consistent- People might have trouble committing to their goals because they lack consistency, they tend to procrastinate, or are lazy. Having an accountability partner increases your chances of success.
  8. Not Having a Plan- Having a plan is necessary to succeed, for without one it is no doubt that you won’t. How are you supposed to reach your goal without having a step-by-step action plan?
  9. Not Taking Action- You need to actually accomplish the items on your to-do list to get one day closer to your goal.
  10. Setting Extrinsic Goals- Extrinsic motivation is more likely to lead to burnout or lose effectiveness overtime.  Intrinsic goals come from within and are personally rewarding to you. Extrinsic goals come from the outside. You engage in an activity not because you enjoy it, but rather because you get something out of it whether it be a reward or to avoid punishment. Intrinsic motivation is a more effective long-term method for achieving goals and completing tasks.

Fun Quotes:

-“Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves”

-“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one” -Mark Twain

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6 Tips for Finding a Purpose in Life

When we think of our purpose, chances are we think of big goals and achievements. In reality, living with purpose is not about accomplishing goals or our to-do lists but rather living a meaningful life is about finding purpose in everyday moments. Your life purpose is something you have always known either consciously or unconsciously. It is unique to you. Part of your purpose includes the work that you were meant to do. The world needs you to do it and if you choose not to than the world loses the benefit of that aspect of you. When your work is aligned with your purpose it is easier to do and you attract more of it. This is helpful for anyone who is marketing themselves. Many people find their purpose accidentally. Some people find work and life experiences that use their purpose without really consciously knowing what that purpose is. 

1. Purpose comes in finding the meaning in each situation we face everyday
2. Purpose gives us a sense of direction and helps us get to our destination
3. Where can we find it? We can find it in our commute, at work, in our interaction with our loved ones, family members, and friends, in our hobbies, in our day-to-day routines
4. How? When we start engaging, listening and caring than we start to feel a greater connection and bring purpose to our everyday interactions
5. Another great way to find your purpose in life is simply by finding a passion. Mine used to be dance and it left me feeling super fulfilled and happy. I am hoping to incorporate dance back into my life in hopes to once again find fulfillment and joy.

Benefits of writing a life purpose: Increased drive and motivation, focused mindset to achieve your goals and purpose, clear path to success based on your ‘why’, sense of fulfillment knowing you’re guided by something meaningful

Life Purpose Examples:

  1. “My life purpose is to stand up for issues I believe in and to contribute positively to my community. I want to leave the world knowing that I made it a better place.
  2. “I hope to build a loving home with my family and to care for my children. I want to support their endeavors while still leaving time for my passions. I will be the best version of myself so that I can lead my children by example.”
  3. “My life purpose is to find success in my career. I would like to be a notable person among my peers and be valued for my contributions to my field. My hope is that I will retire feeling fulfilled with what I have accomplished.”
  4. “The purpose of my life is to be my true self, uninhibited by fear. I want to inspire others to live authentically and with passion.”
  5. “My goal in life is to harness my creativity and imagination to unearth truths about myself, my community, and society at large.”
  6. “The purpose of my life is to be a source of light to other people and radiate positivity. I hope to find an inner strength that is inspiring to others”
  7. “I want to live enthusiastically. I want to marry my best friend and settle into a long life together. I want to be fulfilled in my work and find meaning through art. I want to die knowing I lived the best way I knew how.”
  8. “My purpose is to raise a family of caring, passionate, and independent children who find success in their own way and with integrity. I believe that being a parent is the joy in my life.”
  9. “In my life, I want to achieve a harmonious balance between my career, my family, and fun. I plan to work hard but also seek excitement and adventure where I can.”
  10. “I envision a life where I take things slowly and stop to smell the roses. I never want to miss out an opportunity to find joy in the little things. I will explore my world with open curiosity and be fully present with all experiences.”

Tips for Finding Your Life Purpose:

  1. Donate Time, Money, or Talent- If there is one habit that you can create to help you find your purpose it would be helping others. Altruistic behaviors include volunteering for a nonprofit organization, donating money to causes you care about, or simply helping others around you on a day-to-day basis.
  2. Discover what you love-Thinking about what you love to do can help you find your purpose. Consider what types of skills, talents, and passions you bring to the table. Then brainstorm how you might turn your passion into something meaningful to you.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people- As the saying goes, you are the company you keep. What do you have in common with the people you choose to be around? The people you spend time with outside of family and work. The people you surround yourself with says something about you. If you are surrounded with people who are making a positive change you might draw from their inspiration. However, if you are around negative individuals who drag you down, you might want to make some changes.
  4. Start conversations with new people- Resist the urge to browse through social media when you are alone on the subway or waiting for a friend at a restaurant and ask strangers if they are working on any projects or what they like to do for fun. Talking to strangers can open your eyes to new activities or career opportunities that you never knew existed.
  5. Explore your interests- Is there a topic that interests you and you are regularly talking about or sharing articles for? Also, consider the conversations that you have been having with others. Do you like talking about history? The things you like to talk about may give yourself insight onto your life purpose.
  6. Listen to people- There might be a good chance that you are already displaying your passion and purpose to those around you without even realizing it. Other people might give you some insight. Hearing others say what they notice about you might reinforce some of the passions you have already been engaging in.
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Growth Mindset- How to Change Your Thoughts…

I can’t do it

I’m still learning, I’ll keep trying

I am not good at this

What can I learn to get better at this?

I’m afraid of making a mistake
Mistakes are how I learn and get better

This is too hard
With more practice, it’ll get easier

I give up

I’ll try a different way

I don’t know how
I can learn how

They are better at it than I am
What can I learn from them?

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Happy Chemicals and How to Activate Them

Dopamine (Reward Chemical)- Completing a task, celebrating goals and wins, eating and drinking well, self-care activities, trying something new
Oxytocin (Love Hormone)- Spending time with your pet, physical touch, helping others, giving compliments, showing kindness
Serotonin (Mood Stabilizer)- Meditating, spending time in nature, get some sun exposure, exercise, mindfulness
Endorphin (Pain Killer) Exercise, essential oils, listen to music you like, laughing, watching a funny show or movie

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31 Journal Prompts and 10 Gratitude Prompts

Writing in your journal and expressing gratitude are excellent ways to take care of your mental health. Below you will find 31 journal prompts as well as 10 gratitude prompts to answer for yourself! 

1. What are you most looking forward to?
2. Three goals for this month
3. Something that you’re looking forward to
4. Describe your day in ten words
5. Your favorite part of the past month
6. Your favorite part of the past year
7. Something new to try
8. One thing you will always do
9. Thoughts about today’s events
10. A change to make
11. Music that makes you adventurous
12. One thing you learned about yourself last year
13. Your top three priorities
14. A list of places you have visited
15. A good idea
16. What are your personal gifts?
17. A quote that inspires you
18. When you feel most rested
19. The last fictional book you read
20. A mistake that helped you grow
21. Do your actions match your words?
22. A time you do not want to forget
23. A trip you want to take this year
24. A challenge you have overcome
25. A need you can meet
26. Someone who made you proud
27. A place you have been recently
28. Words you want to share with others
29. A project you have been putting off
30. The thing that frightens you
31. Three words that describe your style

Gratitude Prompts
1. How can you inject gratitude into a current challenge?
2. What have you manifested that you are grateful for?
3. Describe the last time your heart was overfilled with joy?
4. What is a negative experience you are grateful for?
5. What is a memory you cherish?
6. What is a strength you often rely on?
7. What is a negative emotion that is no longer controlling you?
8. What is a conscious change that you made that you are grateful for?
9. What is a current opportunity that you are grateful for?
10. What is a source of inspiration that you are grateful for?

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11 Interesting Facts About Yoga

Practicing yoga can not only benefit you physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. Yoga is a combination of breathing patterns, meditation, and different postures. Practicing has various benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Listed below are are eleven facts about yoga:

  1. There are 84 classic Yoga Asana’s.

  2. Yoga breathing is called ‘Pranayama’.

  3. Yoga reduces stress. A few minutes of practicing relaxes your body by releasing tension that accumulates in your muscles as well as your mind pacifying your overworked brain.

  4. Yoga improves your immune system and decreases inflammation in the body according to a study published by Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

  5. Yoga improves cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease according to the ‘European Society of Cardiology’ It can lower blood pressure, treat diabetes, and aid with reducing asthma attacks.

  6. Yoga improves your mood, leading to a more positive outlook on life. This reduces anger and hostility.

  7. Research suggested that yoga improves social and occupational functioning in schizophrenic patients.

  8. Yoga is a mainstream fitness activity, as 1 in 5 American adults participate.

  9. Yoga is not a religious exercise, though for some people, it can be a spiritual experience. However, it is practiced with Hinduism.

  10. Yoga helps you sleep better, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

  11. Yoga improves your physical strength, flexibility, and posture. Not to mention, yoga IS easy to practice.

What are you waiting for? Start practicing yoga today!

Our yoga headbands are made for movement. Below you’ll find our black and white headband collection. Don’t forget to sign up for a special discount!

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7 Interesting Facts About Running

7 Interesting Facts About Running

Running burns calories, builds muscle, busts stress, and boosts your heart health. The benefits are endless. All you have to do is grab a pair of sneakers and go! Listed below are some interesting facts about running to know!

1. Running outside at the same pace as on the treadmill burns more calories due to air resistance
2. Your feet can produce up to a pint of sweat each day
3. Fauja Singh is the oldest marathon finisher. He completed his last race at 101 years old
4. Under 600 people have completed a marathon on all 7 continents
5. 1984 was the first women’s marathon in the Olympics
6. It takes 200 muscles to take a step when you run
7. The foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and 112 ligaments

1. Running improves your productivity for the day
2. Improves heart health
3. Jump-starts your metabolism
4. Better joint health
5. Improved mental health
6. Improved sleep
7. Catch a runner’s high

Running can add years to your life expectancy. Also, a basic level of fitness has been linked to consistently to better brain and memory function in later years. So, what are you waiting for? Start running!

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9 Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking plenty of water will improve your immune system. Our bodies have 50% to 65% of water content and it is recommended that we drink six to eight glasses of water per day. This will help us perform our best, stay hydrated, and give us energy. Drinking the recommended amount of water can also aid in weight loss. Listed are 9 benefits of staying hydrated!

  1. Preventing and relieving headaches- Chronic dehydration is a common cause of tension headaches and migraines. Water can relieve these headache symptoms within 30 MINUTES to 3 HOURS. WOW!!!! Fatigue is also a side effect of dehydration. If fatigue is the reason for the headache, drink WATER. SOLVED.
  2. Increasing blood flow and oxygen to your brain. Drinking water boost’s your brain’s oxygenation and hydration. Another way to increase blood flow to the brain is physical exercise. Yoga, running, or even walking can help. FUN FACT: Your brain is 75% water. If your brain is hydrated properly, than it can function properly. Not only will your brain function properly, but it will also aid in concentration.
  3. Improving concentration and cognition. Coffee or tea can also help in concentration, but you simply shouldn’t drink these options throughout the day. Having even a sip or more of water every 45 minutes will keep your brain focused, as well as improve your mood and emotions, which leads us to BENEFIT FOUR!
  4. Helping to balance your mood and emotions.

“The study tracked changes in people’s mood when they went from either a restricted intake of water (1 Liter/day) to a high water intake (2.5 Liters/day) or vice versa. For a frame of reference, 1 Liter is about 4 ¼ cups and 2.5 Liters is about 10 ½ cups.

When participants went from a time of restricted intake (1 Liter) to elevated water intake (2.5 Liters), they experienced significantly less fatigue and sleepiness with improved brain power (less confusion). On the flip side, when participants went from a high water intake to a restricted intake, participants experienced a drop in “vigor”, contentedness, ability to stay calm and overall positive feelings.”

5. Helps maintain the balance of body fluids.  Our bodies are composed of 60% water. The functions of these fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

6. Helps carry nutrients throughout our cells. Water allows these nutrients pass through capillaries to the blood and circulatory system. This is where valuable nutrients and oxygen can be distributed throughout the body to all the cells and organs. Water plays a key role in the prevention of disease.

7. Keeps skin looking clear. Water helps prevent dryness and makes skin looking soft and smooth. Makes wrinkles look smaller.

8. Helps maximize physical performance. If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance may suffer. The body loses water during exercise, so you will need to replace that water or face the effects of dehydration.

9. Significantly affects energy levels and brain function. As I stated previously, dehydration causes fatigue, making you feel tired, sluggish, and irritable.

Keeping your body hydrated has TONS of benefits and can not only increase your energy levels, but also help maximize physical performance, balance your mood and emotions, and prevent headaches. Do you want to feel refreshed …. and happier?!?! DRINK WATER!!!

Keep your hair out of your face and under control with our non slip COLORBANDS! Below you’ll find our brown stock collection. We have FREE shipping.

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How Practicing Gratitude Can Help Change Your Negative Emotions

People who practice gratitude have more positive emotions. Gratitude teaches us to appreciate the value of people, places, food, and even materialistic things. We are less likely to take things for granted. People who have high levels of gratitude have low levels of resentment and envy. This is because you cannot feel envious and grateful at the same time. Those whom are grateful for what they have, can’t resent someone else for having something that they do not. They are both different ways of relating to the world. Keeping a gratitude journal can help bring out these positive feelings. Each day write down three to five things that you are grateful for. Examples may include simple things in life or something more specific. Please feel free to review the below.

Broad Gratitude Affirmations:

  1. Thank you for this new day
  2. I’m filled with happiness and gratitude
  3. I’m grateful for another chance to live my life
  4. I’m thankful simply for being alive
  5. I’m grateful for who I am and for what I have
  6. Today I will have an attitude of gratitude
  7. Thank you for the blessings this day will bring

Specific Gratitude Affirmations: Listed below are things that I am grateful for that happened to me lately to show examples. Your own affirmations can seriously be anything and as simple as a cup of coffee, but make sure that they are detailed and specific. Why are you grateful for your cup of coffee? How does it taste? How does it make you feel? How does this cup of coffee add value to your life?

  1. I am grateful for my sister, Sarah Bonner, in that she made me a delicious dinner last night. We got to indulge in a juicy steak, mashed potatoes, and string beans. She added delicious condiments that complimented the meal so well.
  2. I am grateful for my dog Koby, in that he lights up life. He is a ball of joy and I enjoy spending time with him.
  3. I am grateful for my best friend Dakota for paying for everyone’s meal two nights ago at Buffalo Wild Wings. I ordered chicken wings and a margarita on the rocks with salt. It truly was the best margarita of my life!

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Yoga Tips for Beginners

Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise, as it has a lot of benefits towards not only a healthy body, but a peaceful mind. This article will give you five tips to help you get started with your practice.

  1. Invest in a good yoga mat- A yoga mat is more than just an area where you practice your yoga routines. Some consider it their peaceful place where our minds can be free from the stress of our daily lives. The floor is not comfortable at all and a mat will be resourceful for you.
  2. Don’t be intimidated- At a first glance, yoga can seem complicated. It is easy to think that you will never be able to do it, but you’re wrong. So what if you can’t touch your toes? Practicing will help increase your flexibility. Can’t still your mind? Neither can I. Most of us can’t. Our job is simply to practice quieting and questioning our thoughts. This is why it is called a ‘practice.’
  3. Focus on your breath and poses- Focusing on your poses will help improve your practice. Noticing which foot you have a tendency of leaning upon while standing or which hand you are most likely using all of the time will help you understand what you have to fix in each pose. These might be small things, but they will improve your Asanas once you get used to them.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or take breaks- Asking questions can help you become better at your practice. Starting yoga can be overwhelming. You may feel awkward through unfamiliar shapes with teachers literally speaking a different language (Sanskrit) This means that it is easy to feel lost. Once you get through the initial confusion the practice will fall into place more quickly.
  5. Push yourself to do at least 10 classes before giving up- While all yoga may look similar on the surface, they are not all the same. You may not like every single type of yoga or every teacher, but the most important step is not to give up. Finding the right style of yoga for you might be the key to loving and sticking with the practice.