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12 Tips to Change Your Mood to a More Positive One

How do you change how you feel? This might seem impossible, as you might feel as though the world is ending, but it is certainly not. There are many ways to feel better about yourself and life. Some of them need work over a long period of time, however it is possible to feel less negative, more motivated, and energetic in a short period of time. Listed below are ways you can change your emotions.

  1. Go for a walk outside and spend time in nature- Exercising and being exposed to nature will instantly improve your mood. Viewing beautiful scenery reduces anger, fear, and stress. Scenic places will show an increase in positive, pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature will not only make you feel better emotionally, but it also contributes to your physical well being reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and even the production of stress hormones. Seriously take a walk outside. It will reduce the risk of depression.
  2. Write down what you are grateful for- Gratitude is simply taking time to think about all of the positive things in your life rather than pondering on the negatives. A very effective way to be more positive is to simply appreciate things in your life more. ((food, weather, family, friends, etc.)) Gratitude helps people feel more optimistic making us happier and aids in having and remembering good experiences throughout life. Gratitude can help deal with hardship, as you will see positive lights throughout negative experiences. It will help build stronger relationships. You will be not only be more optimistic, as I stated previously, but you’ll also feel more spiritual. All major religions espouse gratitude as virtue. Gratitude helps by reducing our tendency to compare ourselves to those with a higher social status because you will be grateful for what you have and that becomes enough and more.
  3. Go for a run or workout- The best way to add energy and have a more positive outlook to your regular day is to simply go out for a run in the forest or pump iron in the gym. Getting exercise will help you boost your mood and lift your spirit. How is this possible? Simple. By exercising, your body and brain produces hormones and neurotransmitters that have a positive impact on your mood, memory, energy levels, and sense of well-being. Some of these are known as endorphins, the body’s feel good chemicals.
  4. Listen to or watch inspirational material- Did you know? One of the best ways to start your day in a better mood is to listen or read to uplifting, successful people whom are nothing but inspirational. People who create inspirational content include Brian Tracy or Eckhart Tolle! The 7 C’s to Success with Brian Tracy: The 7 C’s to Success with Brian Tracy – YouTube
  5. Stretch- Stretching helps relieve your body of physical and mental tension. Daily stretching is a healthy habit that pays off. It improves your mood and promotes a cheerier state of mind.
  6. Breathing Exercises- Yoga incorporates meditation, stretching and breathing exercises. It is a system of holistic healthy and spiritual growth. These breathing exercises can slow the heart beat and lower or stabilize blood pressure. It can help you concentrate on slow, deep breathing which aids you in disengaging from distracting thoughts and sensations. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down and get started.
  7. Reminisce on old photos- Looking at old photos will bring back memories that can boost your mood. Dwelling on our childhood memories and even the bittersweet kind can improve our happiness.
  8. Make weekend plans- This gives you something to look forward to, which in return can make you feel happier.
  9. Call a loved one– Calling someone that you care about or someone that cares about you will for sure improve your mood, as they will be interested in learning about what you have been up to and how you are feeling. You can talk about it or you don’t have to. They will listen and be there for you. They will make you laugh. This will improve your mood.
  10. Donate clothes– Giving is one of the best ways to improve your mood, as every time you do something for someone else you will feel better about yourself. Giving is good for your health whether it be volunteering at a soup kitchen or donating money for a specific charity. Giving will lower depression and stress-levels. Humans secrete “feel good” chemicals in our brains, such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. This is called a “helper’s high” so go out now and help someone in need.
  11. Be present- Don’t get caught up in thinking about the past or the future. The key to improving your mood is to live in the now. The tendency to get sucked into the past and the future can leave you perpetually worn out and feeling out of touch with yourself. Present moment awareness may help reduce symptoms of anxiety. Being in the present can help us deal with pain more effectively.
  12. Drink water-YES, that is correct. Water. It improves your mood and your memory. If you drink enough water during the day that is. Dehydration causes a homeostatic imbalance.
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5 Tips to Take Care of Your Mind

Our minds can be a dangerous place because we all have been through or might be going through a tough time. The best way to deal with our emotions is to stay positive. There are also several ways to keep your mind healthy, including learning how to relax and changing your scenery. Other ways to keep your mind in a positive place are to surround yourself with people who bring you in a better mood, not to label yourself, and to stop believing the lies that you tell yourself. Below are 5 tips to take care of your mind.

  1. Learn to relax– Learning how to relax can help change your negative emotions. Ways to relax are to take a yoga class, meditate, listen to calming music, and practice deep breathing exercises. These practices can help calm your mind and in return calm your body.
  2. Change of Scenery- Going somewhere new and beautiful can help put your mind in a positive space, whether it be a beach, lake, or a view at the top of a hike. It does not matter where it is as long as you are somewhere you have never been.
  3. Avoid Negative People- Surround yourself with people who build you up.
  4. Don’t Label Yourself- The best way to not label yourself are to repeat positive affirmations and practice positive self-talk. I wrote an entire blog post about positive affirmations and how repeating them will put your mind in a better space, whether you believe these positive statements or you don’t.
  5. Stop Believing the Lies You Tell Yourself -The more you say negative, false statements about yourself, the more you believe them. So once you change your thoughts, you can then put yourself in a more positive light. Not all of your thoughts that come to mind are true.
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Meditation Tips and Techniques


What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of focusing one’s mind on a particular object, thought, or activity. This practice is used to help train your attention and awareness. The goal is to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, stable state.



  • Reduces Stress
  • Controls Anxiety
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Lengthens Attention Span
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate Kindness
  • May Help Fight Addictions

What is Self Awareness?

Self awareness is an awareness of one’s own personality, individuality, character, feelings, motives, and desires.

Tips During Meditation:

1. Notice the rising and falling sensation your breathe creates in the body.

2. Get comfortable with discomfort. People who meditate often times experience negative emotions. Emotions like anxiety or restlessness might occur while practicing. Rather than trying to resist these emotions, give them your full attention and allow them to come and go. Over time the mind learns to recognize these emotions, but will essentially learn to not getting caught up in negative patterns of thought. This is a skill that can be enormously beneficial not only during meditation, but also in daily life.

3. Take mindfulness with you. Form a clear idea of what you will do next before you finish your practice. Whatever the activity, try to carry mindfulness with you into the next task and essentially throughout the rest of your day.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment, which one develops through the practice of meditation.

Tips After Meditation:

1. Post meditating, take a moment to notice how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Are you more calm? Does your mind feel more clear? Are you more focused? Soon, you will understand and establish a connection between your meditation practice and how you feel. This will be a positive connection. Meaning, you will notice that you will feel better post mediation.

2. Remind yourself of the benefits of meditation (Reducing stress and anxiety)

3. If you decide not to meditate one day, record your excuses, as for why you have not.

4. Try to get a friend to start meditating, too. An accountability partner can help motivate you for future practice.

5. Understand that meditation takes progress. Mediation isn’t something we ever expect to master or excel at; rather, it’s a life-long skill we are constantly working on day by day.

Types of Meditation:

  1. Loving-Kindness Meditation- Goal is to cultivate an attitude of love and kindness. This type focuses on sending messages of loving kindness to the world, specific people, or to their loved one. The purpose is to promote feelings of compassion and love, both for others and oneself. It can help those who are affected by anger, frustration, and resentment. The effects are incredible, as this type of meditation can increase positive emotions and can lead to reduced depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  2. Mindfulness Meditation- Mindfulness is a form of meditation that urges practitioners to remain aware and present in the moment versus dwelling on the past or dreading the future. Mindfulness encourages awareness of a person’s existing surroundings. It can be done anywhere, while in line at the grocery store, for example, a person might calmly notice their surroundings including sights, sounds, and smells that they experience. This can improve focus, memory, and relationship satisfaction.
  3. Body Scan Meditation- This type of meditation encourages people to scan their bodies for areas of tension. The goal is to notice tension and to allow it to release. Some forms require people to tense and then relax their muscles. This may help with chronic pain and sleep.
  4. Breath Awareness Meditation- This type of meditation encourages mindful breathing. Breathe in and out slowly and the purpose is to focus only on breathing.
  5. Kundalini Yoga- This type of meditation blends movements with deep breathing and mantras. This is done in yoga class.
  6. Zen Meditation- This type of meditation is a part of Buddhist practice. The goal is to find a comfortable position and to focus on breathing while mindfully observing one’s thoughts without judgement. This is a form of mindfulness meditation, but requires more discipline and practice.
  7. Transcendental Meditation- This type is where practitioners remain seated and breathe slowly. The goal is to rise above the person’s current state of being. This focuses on a mantra or repeated words.  A practitioner might decide to speak “I am not afraid of public speaking”, while meditating.

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50 Ways to Practice Self Care

50 Ways to Practice Self Care

Self care is also referred to as being kind to yourself. It is not a luxury nor is it selfish, but it is a necessity. When you take good care for yourself, you set the standards for how you want to be treated by others. It can be time consuming, but it is super important to start practicing.

1. Declutter
2. Turn off phone for a full day
3. Prepare your favorite meal
4. Light a candle
5.  Meditate
6. Go for a run or long walk
7.  Wear your favorite perfume
8. Dance to your favorite song
9. Buy yourself flowers
10. Have an intense workout
11. Listen to Music
12. Write down three things you are grateful for
13. Write down three things you love
14. Manicure or Pedicure
15.  Indulge in your favorite desert
16.  Do something for the first time
17.  Get up early, make yourself breakfast and enjoy your morning tea in peace and quiet. No TV, no radio, no phone, no laptop.
18. Create a vision board for yourself
19. Stretch
20. Take a nap
21. Read a book
22. Write down 3 affirmations
23. Plan a fun weekend for yourself and a family member
24. Binge watch your favorite TV show on netflix
25. Have a delicious cup of coffee or tea
26. Sleep in
27. Spend time in the sun
28. Have lunch with a friend
29. Make a playlist of your favorite songs
30. Go to a museum
31. Watch a comedy showering
32. Treat yourself to a spa treatment
33. Print out pictures
34. Keep a journal
35. Spend time outside
36. Rent a movie
37. Take a bubble bath
38. Go to a yoga class or try yoga videos at home
39. Try other fitness classes like water aerobics or kickboxing, many gyms offer classes for a wide range of athletic abilities
40. Go to the beach
41. Go for a hike
42. Join an online community to connect with others
43. Go to a movie with a friend
44. Paint or draw
45. Write
46. DIY
47. Adult Coloring Book
48. Ride a bike
49. Skateboard
50. Do some simple stretches to get your blood moving.

How do you practice self care?

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Reach Your Goals with Three R’s- Reflect, Refocus, and Reframe

Reach Your Goals with Three R’s – Reflect, Refocus, and Reframe

Studies show that 73% of people quit before achieving their long term goal. If you fail to reach your goal, it is not failure, for failure is your perception. The only failure is if you give up. Sometimes, it can feel as though you should give up because nothing is working out as you had hoped it would, but don’t. Never stop chasing towards what you want, for someday if you take constant action, your goal will become true.

So if you feel like giving up… than it is important to reflect, refocus, and re-frame.


Reflect on how you are doing as far as the low points as well as highlights of the past. Do not stress, just take a deep breath and reflect.
Questions to Answer:
1. What has gone well for me this week? This month? This year?
2. What could I improve upon?
3. What has motivated me in the past to achieve my goals?
4. What has helped or prohibited my process?


If you are struggling to stay focused, here are six tips to stay focused.
TIP 1: Set SMART Goals- (Specific, Measurable, Action Oriented, Realistic, and Time-Oriented) Make all of your goals clear with a time limit. Make sure it is attainable, realistic, and action oriented.
TIP #2: Find Solutions- If you find a red block, do what you can to resolve the situation. Find a solution to what is setting you back from achieving your goal. Answer the question of what is standing in your way?
TIP #3: Set SMALLER goals- Small goals can help set you up to reach your final destination.
TIP #4: Reward yourself for your accomplishments whether they are big or small with a pedicure or a glass of wine, whatever it is that you truly enjoy.
TIP #5: The road to success is not a smooth road, so whenever you step off track from your progress it is OK. First, forgive yourself and do not be too hard on yourself. Secondly, take time to evaluate the where, why, who, when, and how involved in the situation. This will enable you to avoid putting yourself in the same scenario again. Social and environmental cues can be a key factor in your progress towards your final destination. Be aware of what triggers your behavior.
Questions to Answer:
1. What will motivate me now to achieve my goal?
2. What are the actions that I am able to complete each day to get closer towards accomplishing my goal? I do not say six months from now or months from now, I say each day. This is because I believe that it truly does take consistency EACH and EVERY day and a very DETAILED step by step action plan in order to achieve your long term goal. Also, I believe breaking down long term goals to short term goals is essential.
3. If you have been successful, than what moves will you make next? Will you up your goals?
4. Who will hold me accountable?


This step is essential if you have failed to reach goals in the past. It focuses on a DIFFERENT action plan to accomplish a goal versus the one you have now.
Questions to Answer:
1. What resources or tactics can I employ that I have not already tried?
2. How have I adapted to a changing environment?
3. If I haven’t adapted and what I’m doing doesn’t seem to be getting me closer to my goals, how could I approach this differently?
4. What has been working well for me and how can I take those strategies to get me one step further?
5. What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
6. How can I use what I have learned about myself and my abilities to get me that win?

As you reflect, refocus, and reframe; always keep a positive mindset. Goals take time to accomplish. If you have a good attitude about them and a strong vision this can help you stay on course. Goals are what takes us forward in life and are the oxygen to reaching our dreams. They are the first steps to every journey. It is important to realize the significance in goal-setting and apply this knowledge in your life.

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Summer Self Care Challenge

Summer Self Care Challenge

Summer is a busy season, but finding time each day to take care of yourself can be super beneficial. Make it a time for no distractions including phone, email or social media. Never forget to pencil yourself in even if it is for 15 minutes per day. Listed is my spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental self care challenge I encourage you to participate in this summer!

  • Daily Self Care Ideas
    • Quiet Time
      • No music, TV, social media, phone, computer
    • Journal
      • Memories with Family and Friends
      • Things You Want to Accomplish
      • Daily Tasks to Take in Order to Accomplish Your Goals
        •  Example: Goal: Increase Stamina Action: Run for 10 minutes every other morning
      • Write Down 3 Self Affirmations
      • Write Down 3 Things You Are Grateful for
    • Exercising
    • Face-mask
    • Healthy Eating
    • Get Sunshine
  • Weekly Self Care Ideas
    •  Unplug One Day a Week
    • Take a class or watch a Youtube Video and learn to do something new you always wanted to
    • Go out walking/hiking
    • Mani/pedi at home or go have it done if it fits into your budget
    • Take a nap
    • Baking
    • Crafting
    • Watch a movie
    • Take a Bubble Bath
    • Listen to Music
    • Listen to an Inspiring Podcast
    • Afternoon by Yourself
    • Out for morning Latte and a good book!
    • Spend time with loved ones
  • Annual Self Care Ideas
    •  Organize or Plan a Trip
    • Try a new skin care regime
    • Haircut or Massage
    • Beach
    • Go to the Movies
    • Organize a space or room that’s been bugging you.
    • Scrapbook
    • Garden
    • Print Out Photos
    • Spa Day
    • Donate Clothes
    • Girls Weekend
    • 5k Run

Take some time to research how you can get in some Self Care this summer. I challenge you to plan it out and put it on your calendar. Do something each week for self care and maybe one time this summer choose to do an annual self care idea!  What are your plans for the summer?

Please click on the image to shop our yoga headbands made for movement!
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January Self Care Challenge

Self-care prevents “overload burnout”, reduces the negative effects of stress, and helps you refocus. Taking care of yourself can help you function at full capacity and keeps stress from taking over. Participate in my challenge this month:

1. Set realistic and attainable daily and monthly goals for 2019. Start by creating a step-by-step action plan for January in order to achieve your goals. Sparkly new planner books and pens are great, but it’s what you do with the content you write inside that matters most! Make sure you carve out time throughout the whole year to achieve it. Take the new project you want to accomplish and give yourself monthly check points. What are the actionable steps you need to take? How much time do you need to carve out on a daily, weekly, and bi-weekly basis? This year let’s make sure we plan to achieve because if you fail to plan then plan to fail.

2. Declutter your bedroom and donate clothes

3. Call someone you love to say hello and ask about how they are doing

4. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure

5. Write down what you are grateful for to keep and read

6. Start a new book that’s on your ‘TO READ’ list

7. Unfollow negative people on social media

8. Do something from your ‘TO DO’ list

9. Go to bed early and catch up on sleep

10. Unplug from social media

11. Plant something

12. Create a vision board

13. Put on your favorite music and dance

14. Do yoga

15. Cook a delicious meal for yourself

16. Go for a walk outside

17. Clear out your email box

18. Use a planner to schedule time for yourself

19. Burn scented candles

20. Rewatch your favorite movie

21. Create a budget

22. Handwrite a letter to someone special

23. Cook your favorite meal or desert

24. Choose something new to learn

25. Visit a new city and take pictures

26. Have a mini spa day

27. Make a travel list and plan your dream trip

28. Commit to a full day of clean eating

29. Look over old pictures and memories. Get photos printed and put them in an album.

30. Get crafty

31. Enjoy a cup of something warm and simple

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Click the photo to participate or read our ’30 Days of Gratitude’ Challenge!
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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Reach Your Health and Fitness Goals


Sometimes LIFE can get in the way of our health and fitness goals. In order to stay on track and be accountable having a support system and a plan to take action is critical. Listed are our top five ways to stay motivated in order to stay on track and be driven to reach your nutrition and fitness goals.

1. Find Out Why.

Why do you want to reach this goal? What is the purpose of reaching this goal? How will you feel once you meet this goal? Figuring out your WHY will help clear your mind and focus on the outcome if you do take action. It takes dedication in order to continue with a nutrition and fitness journey so once you find your “WHY” it will give you motivation to continue. Even when life gets busy or you get tired, your goals will still stay on the top of your to-do list.

2. Support System.

If you have people surrounding you that not only support and encourage you, but also hold you accountable this will help you stay motivated. There are tons of FREE online communities that you can join that can help start your fitness journey. Results will be higher with a workout or accountability partner and it can really mean the difference between success and failure.

3. Have a Plan.

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” Planning is a crucial for success not only to continue and reach your health and fitness goals, but if you want to accomplish anything in life. Once you write down the step by step actions to take daily it will give you an insight on what you have to do in order to reach the end result.

4. Redefine Success.

The scale is not the best measurement of success. Monitor your results through progress photos and your energy levels. The scale cannot differentiate between gaining muscle and losing fat. Don’t forget to reflect upon what you want to accomplish. If you want to run around the park and not be winded than accomplishing this is a great way to define success.

5. Improve.

You cannot expect to see results overnight, however if you take everyday as a new opportunity to improve, you will find purpose for each meal you eat and every workout you complete. The key is consistency over time so if you focus on getting 1% better each day and never give up you will see results in the long run. Even if you have had one bad weekend of eating or a small setback it is OK. There is no need to feel guilt or shame if you get off track. Acknowledge what happened and choose to get back on the right track. Stay in the present for today is a new beginning and your decisions of today determine your future.

All of my tips can be applied to everyday life. We hope that they encourage you to stay on track and get better each day.

Click the image to read my tips on how to bounce back after failing to reach your goals!
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6 Ways to Bounce Back After Failing to Reach Your Wellness or Health Goals

Everyone wants to succeed, however failure is inevitable, as there can be no success without failure. The key is not to avoid failure, but rather to learn how to manage it when it comes. Listed are six ways to bounce back and handle the situation after failing to meet your goals.

1. Failure is Your Perception. Change your perspective and look at failure as a new opportunity. This new opportunity is an important lesson for growth. If you view failure as something positive, this can lead to not only a new understanding, but a new beginning. This can help you find a new way regarding tasks, actions, and steps to take in order to meet your goals in the future. Remember, you are only a failure if you choose to give up. 

2. Focus on The New Opportunity. When you fail to reach your goals, ask yourself “What does this mean and what can I learn from it?” Focus on a new lesson and NOT the problem. Most people look at failure as the opposite of success, which is not true, it is actually a part of success.

3. Remember Your Dream. Never lose interest in what you want. When you see yourself living your ideal lifestyle and achieving your goals, you feel motivated. Never get distracted by everything happening in your daily life and stop taking action. Keep pursuing your dreams and put your goals in mind at all times.

4. Rediscover Your Purpose and Passion. Your purpose guides you through the tough times and your passion is the fuel that drives you to take action each day. Rediscover your purpose and passion, and fully understand why you want to achieve the goals you set. The stronger you feel about your purpose the more motivation you will have.

5. Plan Ahead. Once you understand better why you failed in the first place it is time to plan ahead again and create your new daily and weekly tasks. Maybe you did not take enough action or your approach did not work. Create a new action plan, start again, and never underestimate the power of planning. Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, or lazy. However, those things happen when you do not have a plan.

6. Take Action. Do not sit around and do nothing, bounce back and take action. Sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself for not reaching your goals will not get you anywhere in life. Making progress and continuously moving consistently according to the plan that you have created will bring you one step closer to succeeding and meeting your goals. 


Never give up and always follow your dreams. If you do not see your failures as failures and look at them as an opportunity to learn and grow, you will be able to turn any situation around and bounce back to reach your dreams.

Click on the photo to read our simple ways to start detoxing!
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9 Simple Ways to Start Detoxing






 9 Simple Ways to Start Detoxing

The best way to cleanse your body and detox is the old fashion way. Eating the right foods, keeping a positive mental attitude, and getting exercise. If your energy level is low, if you are feeling stressed out, if you take medications, or you feel congested, a weekend detox may help you feel better. Our bodies carry loads of petrochemicals from fish and animals. Detoxing is a great way to get rid of these toxins, recharge, rejuvenate, and renew. Anyone can benefit from simple cleansing and detoxing. Below are fourteen ideas and ways to start detoxing your body today to reach a healthier and happier version of you!

1. Hydrate-

Drinking water is the fastest and BEST way to detox. Water is the reason we are surviving and our bodies need it to function, If there is ANYTHING that will flush toxins out of your body it is water. Sip the H20, stay hydrated, and this will help your body look, feel, and perform optimally.

2. Deep Breathing Exercises-

Oxygen helps with cleansing your lungs, as we can go weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. Deep breathing exercises can help improve lung performance and clear airways, essentially making you feel better and give you more energy. Deep breathing allows more oxygenation of the cells within the body due to the fact practicing expands the diaphragm muscle and the air pockets within the lungs. These exercises improve health and helps the body perform better.

3. Massage Therapy-

A detox massage can help relieve pain, heal injuries, improve circulation, relieve stress, increase relaxation, and aid in your general wellness.

4. Unplug-

Studies show that the light from the screens make it more difficult to fall asleep at night and sabotages the amount of sleep that we do get. Our body needs sleep, as it helps us recover and re-energize. If our sleep is sub-par, than so is our body’s ability to perform it’s natural functions including detoxification and fighting off viruses.

5. Walking or Exercising-

Exercising leads to an increase in blood flow. Blood flow is essential for our organs to work most efficiently and effectively. When we move, our bodies , our heart pumps with greater force, therefore pushing blood throughout the body. This gives our liver an opportunity to pluck out toxins as they pass through our blood stream.

6. Sauna-

Spending time in the Sauna will give your liver a boost, as well as give you time to unplug, and put your mind at ease.

7. Meditation-

Meditation can decrease stress and anxiety, while increasing productivity and focus. FUN FACT: A Harvard study discovered a group of participants that were in a relaxation and meditation program had decreased there overall health costs by 43%. Detoxifying our mind can essentially detoxify our body improving overall health.

8. Turmeric Tea-

Turmeric is used as a common spice in Indian Curry dishes, however it is also used in tea. The benefits of this spice are incredible, as it reduces inflammation and pain, and helps prevent and fight cancer. The spice improves circulation, which sets your liver up for success to get rid of toxins within your blood.

9. Epsom Salt Bath-

A lack of magnesium can lead to chronic fatigue, a hot bath with Epsom salt can prevent this due to the magnesium content within it. Sitting in hot water alone, creates a similar response in your body as exercise or a sauna does.

Click the image to participate or read our 30 days of gratitude challenge!